Client Onboarding
With Event Horizon Theme

"Client Onboarding Form Template"

Boost Your Website’s Appeal with Our Mobile Friendly Form!
Client Onboarding Form Template

Client Onboarding streamlines the process of welcoming new clients with a comprehensive form that gathers essential information for a successful partnership. From collecting contact details to outlining goals and objectives, this form sets the stage for tailored service provision. The secure upload feature ensures all necessary documents are in place, while client consent and acknowledgment sections promote transparency and trust from the start.

Pairing the Client Onboarding Form with the Event Horizon theme adds a touch of sophistication and power to your form design. The dark background and striking red submit button create a captivating user experience, guiding interactions with undeniable presence. Enhance your client onboarding process with Wizara's Client Onboarding Form and the Event Horizon theme today!

Client Onboarding Features

Streamline Client Onboarding
Streamline Client Onboarding
Efficiently collect client information for a seamless start to partnerships.
Enhance Data Security
Enhance Data Security
Securely gather legal and financial documents with encrypted file uploads.
Boost Client Trust
Boost Client Trust
Ensure transparency with privacy policy acknowledgment and consent features.
Customize Meeting Preferences
Customize Meeting Preferences
Tailor initial meetings with preferred date and time selections.
Elevate User Experience
Elevate User Experience
Immerse clients in a striking dark theme for a powerful form interaction.
Simplify Digital Signatures
Simplify Digital Signatures
Verify client information with ease using digital signature capabilities.
Client Onboarding Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
form_intro (html-block)
client_name* (text, input)
Full Name
client_email* (email)
Email Address
client_phone* (phone-number)
Phone Number
form_section2 (html-block)
service_type* (select, dropdown)
Service Type
form_section3 (html-block)
client_goals* (text, textarea)
Goals and Objectives
form_section4 (html-block)
client_background* (text, textarea)
Background and History
form_section5 (html-block)
client_documents (file-upload, file)
Upload Documents
form_section6 (html-block)
privacy_policy* (boolean, checkbox)
I have read and agree to the privacy policy
form_section7 (html-block)
client_consent* (boolean, checkbox)
I consent to the initial interview and service provision
form_section8 (html-block)
meeting_date* (date)
Preferred Date
meeting_time* (time)
Preferred Time
form_section9 (html-block)
client_signature* (text, input)
form_section10 (html-block)
acknowledgment* (boolean, checkbox)
I acknowledge that I have provided accurate information and understand the next steps in the client engagement process

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Event Horizon" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.