Employee Time Off Request
With Base Theme

"Time Off Request Form Template"

Instant Site Revamp: Use Our Form!
Employee Time Off Request Form Template

The Wizara Employee Time Off Request Form Template is a vital tool for human resources departments aiming to simplify the leave application process. This user-friendly template allows employees to submit their time-off requests online, ensuring a clear and consistent approach to leave management.

Employees can enter their name and ID, ensuring the request is accurately recorded in your HR systems. With date selectors for the start and end of the leave period, and dropdown menus for the type of leave, the form automates much of the data entry process, reducing errors and saving time.

Moreover, the form includes a field for the reason for leave, enabling managers to understand the context of the request. This information can be crucial when planning for staffing and resource allocation.

Fully customizable and responsive across all devices, this HTML form template can be tailored to match your company’s specific leave policies and can be added to your intranet or HR portal effortlessly.

Employee Time Off Request Features

Streamline Leave Requests
Streamline Leave Requests
Simplify the process for employees to request time off with our user-friendly form template.
Error-Free Data Entry
Error-Free Data Entry
Automated date selection and dropdown menus reduce errors in leave application submissions.
Enhanced Manager Insight
Enhanced Manager Insight
Capture the reason for leave to provide managers with context for better decision-making.
Mobile-Friendly Design
Mobile-Friendly Design
Responsive across all devices for easy access and submission, anytime, anywhere.
Customizable to Your Policies
Customizable to Your Policies
Tailor the form to match your company's specific leave policies effortlessly.
Boost HR Productivity
Boost HR Productivity
Integrate seamlessly into HR workflows for efficient leave management and improved employee experience.
Employee Time Off Request Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
intro (html-block)
employeeName* (text, input)
Employee Name
employeeID* (text, input)
Employee ID
startDate* (date)
Start Date
endDate* (date)
End Date
leaveType* (select, dropdown)
Type of Leave
leaveReason* (text, textarea)
Reason for Leave

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.