School Outing Permission
With Base Theme

"School Outing Permission Form"

Add an Engaging Online Form to Your Site Effortlessly!
School Outing Permission Form Template

Our School Outing Permission Form is all about making trips fun and worry-free. This form lets parents quickly give their okay for school outings and share important info about their kids.

Let's look at what this form does:

  • Student Details: Just the basics — name and grade — to help teachers plan.
  • Parent Info: A spot for parents' email and phone so the school can reach them anytime.
  • Trip Times: All the when and where details of the trip are right here.
  • Who to Call: A section for who to call in an emergency, because safety comes first.
  • Health Stuff: Space for allergy or medicine details to keep kids feeling good on the trip.
  • Yes to the Trip: A simple check to say, "Yes, my child can go."
  • Extra Notes: If parents need to share more, they've got space to do it.

This form's great for any school trip. It's easy to fill out, easy to read, and can match your school's look. Add it to your site, and you're all set for your next adventure!

School Outing Permission Features

Effortless School Trip Consents
Effortless School Trip Consents
Streamline permission slips with ease for stress-free school outings.
Emergency Contact Instant Access
Emergency Contact Instant Access
Quickly reach designated emergency contacts for student safety.
Health Details at a Glance
Health Details at a Glance
Easily access student medical info for trip preparedness and care.
Customizable for Your School
Customizable for Your School
Adapt the form to match your school's branding and style effortlessly.
Secure and Compliant Data Handling
Secure and Compliant Data Handling
Ensure data privacy and compliance with secure form submissions.
Simplified Parental Consent
Simplified Parental Consent
Make it simple for parents to approve school trips hassle-free.
School Outing Permission Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
studentName* (text, input)
Student's Full Name
gradeClass* (text, input)
divider1 (html-block)
parentName* (text, input)
Full Name
parentEmail* (email)
Contact Email
parentPhone* (phone-number)
Contact Phone Number
divider2 (html-block)
divider3 (html-block)
emergencyContactName* (text, input)
emergencyContactPhone* (phone-number)
Phone Number
divider4 (html-block)
medicalInfo* (text, textarea)
Any Allergies or Medical Conditions of the Student
medications (text, textarea)
Medications (if applicable)
divider5 (html-block)
consent* (boolean, checkbox)
I give permission for my child to participate in the outing.
divider6 (html-block)
additionalNotes (text, textarea)
Additional Information or Instructions

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Base" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.