
Frequently Asked Questions

Wizara Online Form Builder

Welcome to our FAQ section, where we address common queries and provide insightful answers about Wizara – your innovative solution for effortless and dynamic form creation. From practical tips to technical guidance, we've curated a comprehensive resource to ensure you harness the full potential of Wizara's capabilities. Explore below for answers to your most pressing questions!


General Questions

What is Wizara?
Wizara is an innovative form-building app that empowers you to create mobile-friendly web forms effortlessly using AI-powered text prompts.
How does Wizara work?
Wizara uses AI to understand your form requirements through text prompts. It then generates complex forms for lead generation, polls, questionnaires, and more without the need for coding.
Can I customize the appearance of my forms?
Absolutely! Wizara offers customizable CSS themes to align with your brand colors and fonts, ensuring your forms look visually appealing.

Form Creation

What types of forms can I create with Wizara?
Wizara enables you to create a wide range of forms, including lead-generation forms, online polls, donation forms, questionnaires, e-commerce forms, and more.
Is coding required to use Wizara?
No coding is necessary! Wizara's AI-powered wizard eliminates the need for coding, making form creation accessible to everyone.
Can I create multi-language forms?
Yes, Wizara supports the creation of multi-language forms, allowing you to reach a diverse audience seamlessly.

Integration and Security

How can I integrate Wizara forms with other platforms?
Wizara supports various integration options, including webhooks, email, Stripe, Zapier, and Slack, ensuring seamless data flow between your forms and other tools.
Is my data secure with Wizara?
Absolutely. Wizara prioritizes security and offers secure form submission via encrypted connections, safeguarding your sensitive information.
Can Wizara help with GDPR compliance?
Yes, Wizara assists with data privacy compliance. It provides secure data handling and supports user consent, ensuring compliance with regulations like GDPR.

QR Code Support

What is the QR code support in Wizara?
Wizara now offers QR code functionality for every form, allowing you to generate QR codes that lead clients and users directly to the form.
How does the QR code feature work?
With QR codes, you can easily share forms by displaying a QR code on posters, PowerPoint presentations, print materials, and more. Anyone who scans the QR code will be directed straight to the form.
What formats are available for the generated QR codes?
Wizara automatically creates EPS, SVG, PNG, and PDF versions of the QR codes, ensuring maximum compatibility across various platforms and media types.

Advanced Features

Can Wizara handle conditional logic in forms?
Yes, Wizara includes advanced conditional logic capabilities, allowing forms to dynamically change based on user inputs, creating a more personalized and efficient experience.
Does Wizara offer analytics and reporting for forms?
Absolutely! Wizara provides detailed analytics and reporting features, helping you track form performance, user engagement, and gather insights for improvement

User Experience

Is Wizara mobile-responsive?
Yes, all forms created with Wizara are fully mobile-responsive, ensuring a seamless user experience across all devices.
How user-friendly is the Wizara interface for non-technical users?
Wizara is designed with simplicity in mind, making it incredibly user-friendly for non-technical users. The AI-powered interface guides you through the form creation process with ease.

Support and Resources

What kind of support does Wizara offer?
Wizara offers comprehensive support, including a knowledge base, email support, and resources like tutorials and community forums to assist you.
Are there templates available in Wizara?
Yes, Wizara offers a wide range of customizable templates, giving you a head start in creating various types of forms.

Customization and Branding

Can I add my own branding to Wizara forms?
Yes, Wizara allows full customization, including the ability to add your own branding elements like logos, brand colors, and fonts to your forms.

Technical Aspects

What file types can be uploaded through Wizara forms?
Wizara supports various file types for uploads, including documents, images, and PDFs, making it versatile for different data collection needs.

Pricing and Plans

Does Wizara offer different pricing plans?
Wizara provides a range of pricing plans to suit different needs and budgets, including options for small businesses, non-profits, and enterprise clients.
Is there a free trial available for Wizara?
Yes, Wizara offers a free trial period, allowing you to explore its features before committing to a plan.

Accessibility and Compliance

Are Wizara forms accessible for users with disabilities?
Wizara is committed to accessibility, ensuring that forms are compliant with standards like WCAG and usable by people with disabilities.
How does Wizara ensure compliance with data protection laws?
Wizara adheres to strict data protection laws and regulations, including GDPR, to ensure the highest level of data security and privacy for your users.