Online Customer Referral
With Prairie Capital Theme

"Customer Referral Form Template"

Revitalize Your Site: Install This Form!
Online Customer Referral Form Template

Looking to expand your customer base and reward loyal clients for their referrals? Online Customer Referral is the ideal solution for streamlining the process of introducing new clients to your business. With a user-friendly interface that captures essential information from both referrers and referrals, this form template simplifies the referral submission process with just a few clicks. Encourage your satisfied customers to actively participate in growing your business network by implementing this form on your website today.

Pairing the Online Customer Referral form with the Prairie Capital theme brings a whole new level of sophistication and user engagement to your online forms. With its inviting design, very round corners, and a loud submit button, Prairie Capital offers a modern and mobile-friendly aesthetic that enhances the overall user experience. The bright color scheme and optimized layout ensure clear readability and efficient interaction, making it the perfect choice for businesses seeking to elevate their online presence and drive customer engagement. Start building your form with Online Customer Referral and Prairie Capital now to unlock the full potential of your customer referral program!

Online Customer Referral Features

Increase Customer Referrals
Increase Customer Referrals
Drive growth with seamless referral submissions.
Streamlined Sign-up Process
Streamlined Sign-up Process
Effortlessly collect user information for events.
Engaging Prairie Capital Theme
Engaging Prairie Capital Theme
Captivate users with a modern, mobile-friendly design.
Very Round Corners Trait
Very Round Corners Trait
Enhance aesthetics with soft, inviting form elements.
Loud Submit Button Feature
Loud Submit Button Feature
Command attention and guide users to completion.
Online Customer Referral Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
referrer_info_subtitle (html-block)
referrer_name* (text, input)
Your Name
referrer_email* (email)
Your Email
referrer_phone* (phone-number)
Your Phone Number
referral_details_subtitle (html-block)
referral_name* (text, input)
Referral's Name
referral_email* (email)
Referral's Email
referral_phone* (phone-number)
Referral's Phone Number
additional_comments_subtitle (html-block)
additional_comments (text, textarea)
Additional Comments

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Prairie Capital" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.