Website Feedback
With Dynamic Workspace Theme

"Website Feedback Form Template"

Turn Insights into Action with Wizara’s Smart Forms
Website Feedback Form Template

Unlock the potential of user feedback with our expertly crafted Website Feedback Form. Designed to integrate seamlessly with your digital presence, this form template is an essential tool for improving user experience and engagement. With comprehensive fields covering usability, design, content quality, and overall experience, gather detailed feedback effortlessly. Add the Dynamic Workspace theme for a crisp black and white design with large input fields and vibrant green buttons, making the form efficient and visually appealing. Ready to enhance your website's performance and user satisfaction? Build your form with Website Feedback and Dynamic Workspace now!

Website Feedback Features

Streamline Feedback Collection
Streamline Feedback Collection
Efficiently gather detailed user feedback with our comprehensive Website Feedback Form.
Enhance User Experience
Enhance User Experience
Improve website usability and content quality based on valuable user insights.
Boost Engagement & Loyalty
Boost Engagement & Loyalty
Drive user engagement and loyalty by implementing user-suggested improvements.
Modern & Vibrant Design
Modern & Vibrant Design
Present a sleek and dynamic form experience with our "Dynamic Workspace" theme.
Clear & Accessible Layout
Clear & Accessible Layout
Guide users through the form seamlessly with large inputs and bold buttons.
Customizable Design Elements
Customizable Design Elements
Tailor your form's look and feel with configurable traits for a unique user experience.
Website Feedback Form Template
Customizable Form Fields
You can add, remove or re-arrange form fields when using our form builder app.
title (html-block)
name (text, input)
email (email)
Email Address
phone (phone-number)
Phone Number
username (text, input)
Website Username
feedback_type (select, dropdown)
Feedback Type
feedback_details (text, textarea)
Feedback Details
specific_page (text, input)
Specific Page or Section
usability_design (range, buttons)
Usability and Design
content_quality (range, buttons)
Content Quality
technical_issues (select, dropdown)
Technical Issues
likelihood_recommend (range, buttons)
Likelihood to Recommend
suggestions_improvement (text, textarea)
Suggestions for Improvement
overall_experience (range, buttons)
Overall Experience
upload_screenshots (file-upload, file)
Upload Screenshots
contact_preference (select, radio)
Contact Preference
privacy_notice (html-block)

Try Out the Form for Yourself!

Experience Ease and Flexibility Across Multiple Devices and Screens

The form below is using our "Dynamic Workspace" form theme. You can change the colors and the theme using the Wizara Form Builder app.